COVID-19 and Medical Waste
COVİD-19, medical waste, pandemicAbstract
The COVID-19 epidemic caused by the SARS CoV-2 virus emerged in Wuhan, China, in the last days of 2019 and went down in history as the first pandemic in the world due to coronaviruses. Coronavirus out brear; in March 2020 it started our country with the first positive case. The COVID-19 pandemic has led people to turn to disposable products and materials for health and safety reasons, there by exacerbating the problem of plastic pollution. This is a troubling consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has devastated global health systems and disrupted nations economic. Inconsclusion; With the COVID-19 pandemic, disposable mask, disinfectants, there is an increase in theuse of face shields and gloves and this increase has a great impact on the environment and countries. It can be said that causes harm.
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