Biochemical Mechanisms in Cell Signaling: Internal Pathways and Drug Development




This review study examines the biomolecular mechanisms in cell signaling pathways and the drug development potential of intercellular communication pathways. The study highlights the role of interquinal molecules such as cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors in intercellular communication. Observations show that these communication pathways are critical for healthy cell functions, and their imbalance can lead to various diseases. The study explains with examples how interquinal pathways can be used in drug development processes. These include anti-inflammatory drugs, immune system modulators, cancer treatment and treatment of neurological diseases. The findings show that intercellular communication pathways are an important target in the development of new drugs and hold promise for the treatment of various diseases. The study highlights that a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in cell signaling pathways and intercellular communication pathways may lead to the development of new strategies for the effective treatment of diseases. However, research in this area continues and more studies are needed to understand potential limitations and side effects.

The study explains with examples how interquinal pathways can be used in drug development processes. These include anti-inflammatory drugs, immune system modulators, cancer treatment and treatment of neurological diseases. The findings show that intercellular communication pathways are an important target in the development of new drugs and hold promise for the treatment of various diseases.

The study highlights that a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in cell signaling pathways and intercellular communication pathways may lead to the development of new strategies for the effective treatment of diseases. However, research in this area continues and more studies are needed to understand potential limitations and side effects.


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How to Cite

İLHAN, A. (2024). Biochemical Mechanisms in Cell Signaling: Internal Pathways and Drug Development. Kafkasya Journal of Health Sciences, 1(1), 6–9.